Creamy Cranberry Pie Recipe - WonkyWonderful (2024)

By Nicole Harris 34 Comments





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This Creamy Cranberry Pie Recipe is simple and delicious. Flaky pie crust filled with tart cranberries and a Greek yogurt mixture. Top a slice with whipped cream and a generous dusting of powdered sugar for the perfect sweet tart combo!

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Thanksgiving Pie Recipe

What!?! Who says you can only enjoy cranberries on Thanksgiving?

This pie is great year round because it uses frozen cranberries. You can find frozen cranberries in the frozen fruit section of your grocery store. I always buy several bags of fresh cranberries after the holidays and freeze them. {I love a good sale!}

If I haven’t talked you into trying a creamy cranberry dessert yet with my other recipes: Cranberry Ice Cream, or my Cranberry Smoothie.

Now is the time to try this Creamy Cranberry Pie Recipe! {I’m going to talk you into it sooner or later}

I’m joining a group of amazing bloggers to celebrate PI Day. I don’t know . . . something to do with math. Me celebrating anything math related is pretty ridiculous because math is at the very bottom of my skill set.

I was the kid that had all A’s and one D- . . . in Math. And that is because my teachers were being nice enough not to flunk me.

I found algebra to be completely aggravating and swore it was totally useless. Ahem teachers, I’m still waiting for that moment in life that algebra will be needed. It hasn’t happened yet.

Enough about my dislike of math. This is a celebration. For Pie!

Scroll down to the bottom of this post to check out all of the other Awesome Pie Recipes!

Creamy Cranberry Pie Recipe - WonkyWonderful (5)

Creamy Cranberry Pie

Yield: 1

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 1 hour

Total Time: 1 hour 10 minutes

This Creamy Cranberry Pie Recipe is simple and delicious. Flaky pie crust filled with tart cranberries and a Greek yogurt mixture. Top a slice with whipped cream and a generous dusting of powdered sugar for the perfect sweet tart combo!


  • 1 Refrigerated Pie Crust, I used Pillsbury
  • 18 oz Frozen Cranberries
  • 1 Cup Plain Greek Yogurt
  • 1 Cup Sugar
  • 1/4 Cup Flour
  • 1/8 tsp Salt


  • Whipped Cream
  • Powdered Sugar
  • or Vanilla Ice Cream


  1. Preheat oven to 450°F
  2. Line a 9 inch pie plate with the single pie crust.
  3. Bake pie crust for 10 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool.
  4. While pie crust is cooling, allow frozen cranberries to thaw 15-20 minutes.
  5. Heat oven to 350°
  6. Mix together the Greek yogurt, sugar, flour and salt. Add the semi-thawed cranberries and stir.
  7. Transfer filling to pie crust and spread evenly.
  8. Cover with foil and bake for 1 hour.
  9. Remove foil and continue baking for 10 minutes.
  10. Remove from oven and let cool for 2 hours.
  11. Serve with a dollop of whipped cream and a generous dusting of powdered sugar.
  12. Or top with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
Nutrition Information

Yield 10Serving Size 1
Amount Per ServingCalories 279Total Fat 6gSaturated Fat 2gTrans Fat 0gUnsaturated Fat 3gCholesterol 7mgSodium 120mgCarbohydrates 53gFiber 3gSugar 38gProtein 4g

Nutritional information on WonkyWonderful is provided as a courtesy and is approximate only. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the nutritional information given for any recipe on this site.

This pie does have that extra tartness, especially when you bite into a whole cranberry. I personally love anything tart and tangy. If you like sweet with just a hint of tart, go extra heavy on the powdered sugar topping.

The tart cranberries, creamy filling, dollop of whipped cream and snow storm of powdered sugar on top . . . Pie Perfection.

Recipe inspired by Better Homes & Gardens

More PIE!

Milky Way Ice Cream Brownie Pie

Black Forest Cream Pie


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Next Post: Blackberry Ginger Baked Donuts »

Reader Interactions


    • Creamy Cranberry Pie Recipe - WonkyWonderful (9)Nicole Harris says

      Thanks Martha! I appreciate it!


    • Creamy Cranberry Pie Recipe - WonkyWonderful (11)Nicole Harris says

      Thanks Heather! The creamy cranberries taste unbelievable!


  1. Creamy Cranberry Pie Recipe - WonkyWonderful (12)ang says

    Um, ahMAZing! Your photos are so awesome Nicole! That pie looks so delicious!
    I’m stopping by from the from Pi Day Party and pinning this to my PIE board too 🙂
    Happy Friday!


    • Creamy Cranberry Pie Recipe - WonkyWonderful (13)Nicole Harris says

      Thanks Ang!


  2. Creamy Cranberry Pie Recipe - WonkyWonderful (14)Auntiepatch says

    Oh, my! Yum!


    • Creamy Cranberry Pie Recipe - WonkyWonderful (15)Nicole Harris says

      haha, I’m glad you like it! I will definitely be making this pie again … and again … and again!


  3. Creamy Cranberry Pie Recipe - WonkyWonderful (16)Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust says

    Algebra, pfffft. It’s geometry that’s important. Algebra is boring, well, if you’re not me. 🙂

    LOVE this pie – it’s so pretty!


    • Creamy Cranberry Pie Recipe - WonkyWonderful (17)Nicole Harris says

      Yes, geometry I have actually used in real life. Thanks Dorothy! If you approve of this pie then it must be legit 🙂


    • Creamy Cranberry Pie Recipe - WonkyWonderful (19)Nicole Harris says

      I am obsessed with cranberries and creamy yogurt!


  4. Creamy Cranberry Pie Recipe - WonkyWonderful (20)Heide M. says

    Sounds wonderful, interesting and tasty. I’ll have to try it.


    • Creamy Cranberry Pie Recipe - WonkyWonderful (21)Nicole Harris says

      Thanks Heide! I hope you enjoy as much as I did 🙂


    • Creamy Cranberry Pie Recipe - WonkyWonderful (23)Nicole Harris says

      Oh, she will LOVE this pie!


  5. Creamy Cranberry Pie Recipe - WonkyWonderful (24)Carrie @Frugal Foodie Mama says

    Oh, I love how simple this is! And the Greek yogurt?? Genius! 🙂 I kind of want to save this one for Thanksgiving next year. Yeah, I know you can have cranberries all year long, but this just looks like it would be gorgeous on my Thanksgiving table. 😉


    • Creamy Cranberry Pie Recipe - WonkyWonderful (25)Nicole Harris says

      Thanks Carrie! I will definitely be making this pie for Thanksgiving! I can’t wait to try this pie with different types of fruit. Maybe some fresh strawberries from the farmer’s market this summer!


  6. Creamy Cranberry Pie Recipe - WonkyWonderful (26)mandy says

    I’m heading out to the grocery store to pick up a few things
    Needed to make this yummy cranberry pie. I so love cranberries and finding good and most importantly easy recipes using them make me super happy! Thanks Nicole for another great recipe. Btw …cranberries are great health food…lots of great benefits for us. Yay..can’t wait to taste this later today after its made 🙂


    • Creamy Cranberry Pie Recipe - WonkyWonderful (27)Nicole Harris says

      Hi Mandy! I hope you enjoyed the pie as mush as I did. Well, actually I only got one piece because this pie disappeared very quickly. It was a big hit at my house!


  7. Creamy Cranberry Pie Recipe - WonkyWonderful (28)Lisa | Je suis alimentageuse says

    Mmm greek yogurt in pie? The creaminess sounds like a great way to contrast the tart flavour of the cranberries =) Beautiful photos as always, Nicole =)


    • Creamy Cranberry Pie Recipe - WonkyWonderful (29)Nicole Harris says

      Thanks Lisa!


    • Creamy Cranberry Pie Recipe - WonkyWonderful (31)Nicole Harris says

      Thanks Elizabeth! I am a Greek yogurt addict. I add it to anything I can 😀


  8. Creamy Cranberry Pie Recipe - WonkyWonderful (32)Lauren Mitchell says

    This looks delicious!! Pinning 🙂


    • Creamy Cranberry Pie Recipe - WonkyWonderful (33)Nicole Harris says

      Thanks Lauren 😀


  9. Creamy Cranberry Pie Recipe - WonkyWonderful (34)Sommer @ASpicyPerspective says

    I am having pie love! Your pie looks so very delish! It is a must try for sure!


    • Creamy Cranberry Pie Recipe - WonkyWonderful (35)Nicole Harris says

      Haha, Thanks Sommer!This is my new favorite pie. Of course, I basically LOVE anything with cranberries 🙂


  10. Creamy Cranberry Pie Recipe - WonkyWonderful (36)Doris says

    Hello–your creamy cranberry pie looks so good–couple questions..can this be made with fresh cranberries or are frozen/thawed ones what helps . along with the Greek yogurt, give the pie its’ zing???? Also, could this be made without a crust or in a graham cracker crust ?? we are not fans of pie crust…thanks so much !! this pie will be on our table at Thanksgiving ..and probably before …


    • Creamy Cranberry Pie Recipe - WonkyWonderful (37)Nicole Harris says

      Hi Doris! I have only made this with frozen cranberries. I imagine fresh will work too, maybe with a little less cooking time. As far as the graham cracker crust. I’m not sure that will work because this pie does have to be baked for awhile. Maybe some sort of crumble topping? Enjoy!


  11. Creamy Cranberry Pie Recipe - WonkyWonderful (38)A says

    Did anyone try it with the fresh cranberries? If so, what modifications were needed? This looks delicious! I just really want to use fresh. Thanks!


    • Creamy Cranberry Pie Recipe - WonkyWonderful (39)Nicole Harris says

      Sorry, I have only made this recipe using frozen cranberries. I would imagine that the fresh cranberries would take a bit less baking time. But I can’t be 100% positive that there are no other changes necessary. Hopefully a reader makes this with fresh cranberries and reports back.


  12. Creamy Cranberry Pie Recipe - WonkyWonderful (40)Pamela Thompson says

    This was a HUGE hit at our Thanksgiving Day event. It was delicious. I did use fresh cranberries and they worked out perfectly. I realize this is a year later than someone was asking about using fresh vs. frozen cranberries. But I just found your website and I was thrilled to stumble onto it – your recipes look divine. What beautiful photography:-) Thank you for sharing!!!


    • Creamy Cranberry Pie Recipe - WonkyWonderful (41)Nicole Harris says

      Thank you so much for coming back and sharing your experience. I’m glad to know that fresh cranberries work as well. 🙂


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Creamy Cranberry Pie Recipe - WonkyWonderful (2024)


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