Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (2024)

What’s better than the best crochet sweater you ever did make? A MATCHING dog sweater to go with it! The Wild Berry Pullover is a free pattern for adults (XS through 4XL) and this Wild Berry Dog Sweater is a free pattern for the pooches. Grab your hook and let’s make matching sweaters for humans and dogs, shall we? 🧍🏻‍♀️🐕

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (1)

The Wild Berry Dog Sweater is the second installment of the 2024 Dog Crochet Series. This sweater pattern matches that of the human version here (also available as a free pattern, ranging in sizes XS through 4XL) and I LOVE that we can have matching sweaters with our fur babies!

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (2)

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (3)

When starting the 2024 Dog Crochet Series I wasn’t planning on including a dog sweater. The wildly popular Dandy Dog Sweater that was published a while back has been THE most popular pattern of all time on Heart Hook Home. “Why mess with that?” I thought. And then I thought… “why not?!” So, here we are with matching dog sweaters for our fur babies and I could not be more thrilled. (Also, stay tuned for another special surprise next week… 😉)

I started the year with a super sturdy, super chic dog leash and I have SO MANY awesome ideas for this year’s series I can’t wait to see where it’ll take us.

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (4)

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (5)

Cher is my 20-ish pound rescue that is a bit of everything, and barely fits into the size SMALL. She has Dachshund, Chihuahua, some Greyhound, and a bit of Lab in her. She is surprisingly fast! My boyfriend’s German Shorthair Pointer (GSP), Maisey, is a petite and gorgeous girl. She’s on the smaller end of a size LARGE sweater.

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (6)

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (7)

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (8)

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (9)

What’s so great about this design is that you can very easily add length to the sweater to match the length of your dog. Crochet sweaters for long dogs are hard to find! Cher is part Dachshund and is very long. I added 12 rows (three row repeats) to the “body” section on this blue sweater before beginning the “body taper”. Simply add additional rounds to the pattern at the indicated portion (before beginning the “body taper”) until it just covers their rib cage. Then finish the rest of the pattern as stated. This is an excellent design element for crocheting sweaters for Dachshunds!

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (10)

There will be another post with smaller sizes of this sweater published within the coming days, not technically included in the 2024 Dog Crochet Series but as an adjacent pattern. Note that the photos used for this tutorial are of the tiniest sweater, but the pattern is the same, just different row/stitch counts as one would expect. I will also be making a video tutorial that will be available on the Heart Hook Home YouTube channel. Stay tuned!

Grab the ad-free, printable version of this pattern on Ravelry, Etsy, or right here in the Heart Hook Home Blog Shop. Thank you!


Worsted Weight yarn (Brava worsted line pictured)
-approx. (220, 360, 530) yards

Crochet hook in size 8mm or size needed to obtain gauge

Sizing: (S, M, L)

Actual chest measurement: (18″, 24″, 30″)

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (11)

Gauge: 5 complete Berries x 8 complete Berries (16 rows total) in 4”

Uneven Berry Gauge Swatch Pattern (video tutorial here):

Row 1: Fsc-11 (or ch-12, sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each to end) (11)

Row 2: Turn, sl st in first st, * Berry in next sc, sl st in next * repeat between * * to end.

Row 3: Ch-1, turn, sc in first st, * sl st in top of next Berry, sc in next sl st * repeat between * * to end.

Row 4: Ch-1, turn, sc in first st, sl st in next st, * Berry in next sc, sl st in next sl st * repeat between * * until one st remains, sc in final st.

Row 5: Turn, sl st in first st, sc in next sl st, * sl st in top of next Berry, sc in next sl st * repeat between * * until one st remains, sl st in final st.

Rows 6 – 17: repeat previous 4 rows. Measure for gauge and adjust hook size if necessary.

Pattern Notes:

Pattern written using US terms.

The chain (if there is one) at the beginning of each round does not count as a stitch.

Even numbered rows are “Right Side” (RS) on the body.

Keep slip stitches on even numbered rows on the looser side.

Hdcslst Ribbing (tutorial here on HeartHookHome.com)

Berry = YO, pull up a loop in designated st. Ch-1, YO, pull up another loop in same st. (5 loops on hook) YO and pull through all 5 loops, chain 1 to close the stitch. (Full tutorial here on HeartHookHome.com)

Start with the neck and work down the body in one piece requiring ZERO sewing. Woohoo!

Neck Band:

Row 1: Ch-(7, 7, 9), hdcslst in 2nd ch from hook and in each to end. (6, 6, 8)

Row 2: Turn, sl st in previous row’s third loop across. (6, 6, 8)

Row 3: Turn, hdcslst in each sl st across. (6, 6, 8)

Rows 4 through (42, 52, 58): alternate previous two rows.

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (12)

Do not fasten off. Join to first row to form a circle.


Round 1: Ch-1, turn (so that you’re looking at the inside/wrong side of the neck edging), * sl st in next hdcslst row end, Berry in same row end * repeat between * * around. Join to first sl st. (21, 26, 29 Berry sts)

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (13)

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (14)

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (15)

Round 2: Turn, sl st in top of first Berry, * sc in next sl st, sl st in next Berry * repeat between * * until 1 st remains, 3sc in final st. Join to top of first st. (44, 54, 60)

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (16)

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (17)

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (18)

Round 3: Ch-1, turn, * Berry in next sc, sl st in next st * repeat between * * around. Join to top of first Berry. (22, 27, 30 Berry sts)

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (19)

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (20)

Round 4: Ch-1, turn, 3sc in first sl st, sl st in next Berry, * sc in next sl st, sl st in top of Berry * repeat between * * around. Join to first sc. (46, 56, 62)

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (21)

Round 5: Turn, sl st in first st. * Berry in next sc, sl st in next st * repeat between * * until one st remains. Berry in final st. Join to first sl st. (23, 28, 31 Berry sts)

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (22)

Round 6: repeat round 2 (48, 58, 64)

Round 7: repeat round 3 (24, 29, 32 Berry sts)

Round 8: repeat round 4 (50, 60, 66)

Round 9: repeat round 5 (25, 30, 33 Berry sts)

Size SMALL jump to armhole section below.

Round 10: repeat round 2 (X, 62, 68)

Round 11: repeat round 3 (X, 31, 34 Berry sts)

Round 12: repeat round 4 (X, 64, 70)

Round 13: repeat round 5 (X, 32, 35 Berry sts)

Size MEDIUM jump to armhole section below.

Round 14: repeat round 2 (X, X, 72)

Round 15: repeat round 3 (X, X, 36 Berry sts)

Round 16: repeat round 4 (X, X, 74)

Round 17: repeat round 5 (X, X, 37 Berry sts)

Round 18: repeat round 2 (X, X, 76)

Round 19: repeat round 3 (X, X, 38 Berry sts)

Round 20: repeat round 4 (X, X, 78)

Round 21: repeat round 5 (X, X, 39 Berry sts)

Size LARGE jump to armhole section below.

Armhole Round Prep:

Round (10, 14, 22): Turn, * sl st in top of next Berry, sc in next sl st * repeat between * * around. Join to first sl st. (50, 64, 78)


Round (11, 15, 23): Ch-1, turn, * Berry in next st, sl st in next * repeat between * * (0, 1, 1) more times. You should have (2, 4, 4) sts so far. Ch-(7, 11, 15), sk-(9, 13, 17) sts, sl st in next sl st. (not too tight!) Repeat between * * (13, 14, 17) more times. Ch-(7, 11, 15), sk-(9, 13, 17) sts, sl st in next sl st. Repeat between * * (1, 2, 2) more times. Join to top of first Berry. (15, 18, 21 Berries + two armhole chains)

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (23)

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (24)

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (25)

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (26)

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (27)

Round (12, 16, 24): Ch-1, turn, * sc in next sl st, sl st in next Berry * repeat between * * (0, 1, 1) more times. Sc in next sl st. Working across chain, alternate sl st and sc, ending with sl st in final ch. Repeat between * * (13, 14, 17) more times. Sc in next sl st. Working across chain, alternate sl st and sc, ending with sl st in final ch. Repeat between * * (1, 2, 2) more times. Join to first sc. (46, 60, 74)

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (28)


Round (13, 17, 25): Turn, sl st in first st. * Berry in next sc, sl st in next st * repeat between * * until one st remains. Berry in final st. Join to first sl st. (23, 30, 37 Berries)

Round (14, 18, 26): Turn, * sl st in top of next Berry, sc in next sl st * repeat between * * around, join to first sl st. (46, 60, 74)

Round (15, 19, 27): Ch-1, turn, * Berry in next sc, sl st in next sl st * repeat between * * around. Join to top of first Berry. (23, 30, 37 Berries)

Round (16, 20, 28): Ch-1, turn, * sc in next sl st, sl st in top of Berry * repeat between * * around, join to first sc. (46, 60, 74)

Rounds (17, 21, 29) through (24, 28, 44): repeat previous four rounds in order.

If additional length is needed, add more rounds here in multiples of four. (4, 8, 12, 16, rows etc)

Begin body tapering:

Row (25, 29, 45): Turn, sl st in first (3, 5, 7) sts, * Berry in next sc, sl st in next st * repeat between * * (19, 24, 29) more times only (leaving (3, 5, 7) sts unworked. (20, 25, 30 Berries)

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (29)

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (30)

Row (26, 30, 46): Turn, sk-first st, sl st in top of next Berry, * sc in next sl st, sl st in top of next Berry * repeat between * * to end. (39, 49, 59)

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (31)

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (32)

Row (27, 31, 47): Ch-1, turn, sk-first st, * Berry in next sc, sl st in next sl st * repeat between * * to end. (19, 24, 29 Berries)

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (33)

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (34)

Rows (28, 32, 48) through (49, 55, 73): repeat previous two rows (ending with 8, 12, 16 Berries)

Row (50, 56, 74): Turn, sk-first st, * sl st in top of next Berry, sc in next sl st * repeat between * * to end. (15, 23, 31)

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (35)

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (36)

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (37)

Finishing Row: Ch-1, do not turn, sc in each st/row end around. Join using Invisible Join.

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (38)

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (39)

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (40)

I hop that both you and your pet love your new, matching sweaters. Stay tuned for more in the 2024 Dog Crochet Series!

I can’t wait to see yours! Be sure to tag @HeartHookHome across all social media, or share in the Heart Hook Home Crochet Community on Facebook.

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (41)

More pet patterns:

Dandy Dog Sweater: Easy Crochet Dog Sweater Pattern

Stellar Dog Sweater Crochet Pattern

Easy Crochet Dog Sweater for Large, Extra Large, and Extra Extra Large Dogs

Easy Homemade Pumpkin Dog Biscuits

How to Crochet a Dog Leash

Dog Poop Bag Holder Free Crochet Pattern

Wild Berry Dog Sweater Free Crochet Pattern (2024)


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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.